Monday, September 25, 2017

Class 9/25, Review Blogs and Map WS

Today's class we reviewed how our blogs should be set up. Mr. Schick reminded us that our titles should not just include the date of the class as he can already see that. We should include something we went over in class so that when we are looking for a certain bog containing information we need, it is easier to locate. He also suggested that we didn't ramble about what is happening outside of class and more about what did in class. This way if we have a test or quiz in which we can use our blogs we can go back and look at them and actually find useful information. Also that the format of our blog should be easy to read and access. The information should not be hard to find and the font should not effect the ability to read. Adding pictures and graphs to our blogs are also good ideas for reference. After we all went through our blogs, we went the answers to the two maps pertaining regions and continents.

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Classes 5/2-7