Thursday, September 7, 2017

Class 9/7, North Korea Discussion and Socrates

In class today we continued our notes on Excellence and then we had a discussion on how to deal with North Korea using the Socratic Method. My notes from today were added to some of my previous notes from the prior two classes.

  • Socrates cont. - as a young man he worked as a stone man, he fought heroically in the Peloponnesian War, his working class background and battlefield experiences may have influenced the way he viewed the world. 
  • Socrates as a teacher- he met with young students just outside the agora using his method, the Socratic Method, this method later helped the scientific method. 
  • Socrates the Controversy- Athens was a great city which attracted brilliant thinkers, visitors from all over the world shared their knowledge, medicine, meteorology, literature, philosophy, and all things scientific, this was often at odds with traditional teachings which centered around the Greek gods, which got young people thinking and questioning. 
  • Socrates the Trial- Socrates was charged with two crimes, corruption of Athen's youth and impiety (not believing in the gods), he defended himself with that he was challenging people to actually think and that he should be rewarded with free dinners for life because of it. 
  • Socrates, how did that work out for you?- a jury of 500 male citizens found him guilty (279-221), sentenced to death by drinking hemlock poison, he had the opportunity to escape, but he refused, being loyal to the Athenian democracy. 
  • Idiot in ancient Greece- an idiot in the Athenian democracy was someone who was characterized by self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private- as opposed to public- affairs, declining to take part in public life was, such as democratic government of the polis was considered dishonorable. 
Socratic Discussion Point:
If we were to bomb North Korea first and China were to side with North Korea, we would be losing one out most important allies to the United States. Not only would they now be against us, but with time our economy would begin to decline. A majority of all trading and manufacturing that the U.S. is involved in, takes place in China. They are an enormous part of our economy that we need. 

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Classes 5/2-7