Monday, October 16, 2017

Class 10/16, Oil

Today in class we started to discuss the concept of local to global.

  • Geographers think about scale at many levels, from local to global
  • At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns
  • People all doing their part to grow or buy locally grown/ made products so that less products are being shipped from overseas causing less fossil fuels to be burned releasing green house gases into the environment/ atmosphere
  • If large groups of people started to buy locally it would start to make a change in the economy
  • The same thing would happen if large groups of people shifted to using solar energy
  • Oil companies would suffer dramatically if this shift occurred so they have made an extreme effort to make it seem as though it is so expensive and it would take a long time to actually profit off it installing them 
  • We are the number one importing of oil in the world even though we are the third largest producer of oil in the world 

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Classes 5/2-7