Saturday, November 11, 2017

Class 11/10, Pop Quiz Retake and Presenting

Today in class we started off by realizing that NO ONE BROUGHT IN FOOD!!!!! This was a tragedy. That pretty much ruined my mood for this rest of the day but oh well. Then Mr. Schick gave us a chance to retake the pop quiz we took yesterday that the majority of the class failed. I mean we only had ten seconds to answer each question which personally I believe is unfair.  I didn't even have enough time to process the questions and the graphs. It was nice of him though to let us retake it even though he is still counting the first one as a grade. After we took the quiz for the second time we started presenting our group projects. Everyone went for the A on the project. Sydney's group presented their project first and Sydney wrote a book for her one answer. Then Vlad's group went and they sounded very educated while presenting their project.

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Classes 5/2-7