Saturday, December 2, 2017

Class 12/1, Demographics

Today's class was very interesting. It started out on an awkward note plus we also didn't have food. This just made matters worse. Then we started to discuss demographics and the chart below. After we talked about it Chase asked the same exact thing I was thinking which was what happens after the fifth stage on the chart. I would assume that it varies for each individual country based what is specifically needed to keep their economy thriving. But then class took a turn for the worse. I am pretty sure that Mr. Schick thinks that we are all terrible people when in reality I think there was a misunderstanding of what we being said. I hope that this misunderstanding is over with by the time we have class Monday. We will see I guess.

  • Demographic Transition Model-measures death rate, birth rate, and total population of a country 
  • Demographics- different ways of measuring people

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Classes 5/2-7