Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Class 1/2, Start of Political Geography

Today in class it was FREEZING. I am not sure it was legal to have sit in that classroom for an hour with the temperature being as low as it was. It was absurd. Moving on, we started a new unit called "Political Geography".

  • How is the world organized?- 
  • Country- an identifiable land area (look at a map)
  • Nation- a population (group of people) with a common culture 
  • State- (with a capital "S") a population under a single government; can be synonyms with "country" 
  • Nation continued-  a group of people with a shared identity, think of it as a culture group
  • Definiton of a nation that isn't universally true- nations are groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institutions, religion, and/or historical experience 
  • Institution- a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture
  • An independent state... -
  • has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries
  • has people who live there on an ongoing basis 
  • has economic activity and an organized economy which regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money
  • has the power of social engineering, such as education 

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Classes 5/2-7