Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Class 2/13, Movie Thing


  • The monuments in Greece still record two important decades in all of history
  • Greeks achieved all of their advancements in math, science, literature, philosophy, and art while being at war
  • Their achievements changed the world 
  • Athens 508 BCE- the ordinary people had turned on their ruler demanding freedom after centuries of oppression 
  • Cleisthenes had been brought up to be a ruler and look down upon regular people 
  • He saw that these ordinary people have the right to be free and govern themselves
  • Cleisthenes was told he was an aristocrat since he was a child 
  • Athens was turned against itself
  • The aristocrats were split down the middle fighting one another 
  • The regular people had no part or share in anything 
  • Greece was divided into many city states
  • Each fiercely independent to and loyal to themselves 
  • Spartans lives were centered around war and fighting 
  • Spartans were ruthless and expanded throughout the land 
  • They were a threat to all other Greece cities
  • Cleisthenes was inspired by Greek stories
  • Heroes were painted all over Greece to inspire citizens of greatness
  • Claimed that he had the blessing of a goddess to become tyrant 
  • Greece is in the middle of a grouping ancient civilizations 
  • Everyone had something to sell from their land
  • Athenians selling olive oil began to increase their wealth 
  • Potters were considered very low in society 
  • Hippies took over Athens ruling with a fair hand to begin
  • His brother was murdered and he executed the entire murders family 
  • Cleisthenes found that others were conspiring against
  • Isagoras was another aristocrat brought to believe power was his and knew he had to get help from the Spartans to get rid of Cleisthenes
  • Other aristocrats were targeted too 
  • The ordinary people of Athens took their destiny into their own hands 
  • They rose up in revolution
  • On the morning of the third day Isagoras was forced to surrender
  • This was Athens first step empire and glory
  • First time citizens had seized power from their rulers
  • Cleisthenes was asked to build a government and come back after being exiled 
  • He had to design a system that would work for a revolutionary situation
  • He created a large spot to meet to and discuss their state
  • Cleisthenes instituted the simple vote
  • White stone, yes, black stone, no
  • A system of government that would change the state and the world 
  • Democracy led to a flourishing of culture

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Classes 5/2-7