Saturday, February 17, 2018

Class 2/16, Test

Today we took our test and it was not fun.  I was rather confused with some of the questions. I don't think that some of the questions were worded very well. For example, the question of what wasn't necessary to be a citizen of Athens but I thought that all the options given were necessary to be a citizen in Athens. Also, I didn't understand what the Homeric question was. I think that it was whether or not Homer was actually a person. I also think I got must of the map wrong. I'm not really sure honestly. I then took notes on the pages in the textbook. It was on the Golden Age of Greek civilization.

  • Pericles- successful politician, inspiring speaker, respected general, dominated Athens from 461-429 BCE (Age of Pericles)
  • He had three goals- strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens
  • Goal 1- increased the number of public officials who were paid, now poor people could public office because they would receive pay
  • Result of Goal 1- Athens had more citizens engaged in self-government than any other city in Greece, made Athens one of the most democratic governments in history
  • Goal 2- after defeating the Persians, Athens took over the leadership of the Delian League and dominated all other city-states 

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Classes 5/2-7