Thursday, February 22, 2018

Class 2/22, Philosophers

Today in class we started to discuss the famous philosophers of ancient Greece. We went over the PowerPoint. Also Mr. Schick showed us how websites can be shady and not to trust them because they don't always have accurate information.

  • Socrates- looked to science and logic (not the mythological gods) for explanations of how the world worked, the Socratic Method fostered critical thinking
  • More Socrates- "the unexamined life is not worth living.", Socrates was charged with impiety and corruption of the youth of Athens, on trial he did not deny what he had done and asked for free dinners for life, described himself as a horsefly and Athens as a lazy old horse, was found guilty and sentenced to death by poison hemlock
  • Plato- a student and follower of Socrates, he wrote out Socrates' teachings, and described his trial in Apology, Republic was Socrates' discussion of justice and the ideal state - one of the most influential books on philosophy ever written 
  • Aristotle- student of Plato, he helped foster the idea of Athens as an intellectual destination, his school, the Lyceum, that focused on cooperative research- building on knowledge gathered from all over the world
  • Did Aristotle invent the internet?- not exactly but he did dream of having the sum of mankind's knowledge easily accessed in one location, he wrote extensively on such topics as logic, physics, biology, ethics, politics, rhetoric, motion, theatre, poetry, metaphysics, psychology, dreams, etc., he also tutored Alexander the Great

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Classes 5/2-7