Monday, February 26, 2018

Class 2/26, Philosophy

Today in class we talked about one of my favorite subjects, philosophy. We only got four minutes into the Crash Course because we kept stopping to take notes and discuss what he was talking about. I really liked Mr. Schick's thing about you never step in the same river twice. It really made me think. I love that philosophy makes you think past the front of life and you actually have to question everything you know.

  • Philosophy- what is the nature of reality itself?, why do you do what you do, why do you feel what you feel, why do you think what you think, are any of my choices actually free
  • Philos- science
  • Mythos- storytelling 
  • Philosophia- the love of wisdom
  • Early definition of philosophy- the academic study of anything
  • Plato's Academy
  • Aristotle's Lyceum
  • Philosophy came to be understood more as a way of thinking about questions 
  • What is the world like or what is nature of reality?
  • Is the world just made up of matter and energy, or is there something else going on?
How many people do you have to be before you can be you?

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Classes 5/2-7