Monday, February 5, 2018

Class 2/5, Last Day of Project

Today's class was the last class period that we had to work on our group project in class. We do have the rest of the day to finish it and turn it in.
The second leader of Greece that began to make significant reforms in Greek society is Solon. Solon was born in Athens some time around 638 BCE. His family moderately wealthy and he a brother named Dropides. He came into power in 594 BCE as the archon of Greece. Solon was the beginning of reform of  the government in Greece. Solon made it so that no citizen could own another. He also outlawed debt slavery, meaning that if a citizen owed money to another, they could not be enslaved to that person. Solon made a social class system according to the wealth of citizens. The lowest class could not hold positions in political office. But, they could partake in assembly. The other three classes could hold positions in the government. Solon also made it so that any citizen could press charges against someone who had committed a wrongdoing against them.

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Classes 5/2-7