Friday, February 9, 2018

Class 2/9, Silence

Today in class we participated in a silent protest. We did not talk at all as class for the entire (well for the most part). All of our communication was through writing or it was typed. We had a few traitors among us. They were asked to stop or leave. They stopped. We are solely showing our right to protest. We are acting as the ancient Greeks standing up against authority. Except we are being much more peaceful in our approach. We showed our unity as a class and we exercised our rights. I think that we should be acknowledged for this idea. It is rather ground breaking. We showed how important it is to ask questions about the way things are going and to act upon them. We Dig Western Civ is a family.
Please enjoy the following pictures of puppies.
Image result for puppiesImage result for puppies

I also would like to know how this idea was pinned on me. I was the first suspect of starting this protest and I would like to know why. But puppies solve all. We are the Champions. We shall go down in history.

1 comment:

  1. It was "pinned on you" because you are a natural born leader and an outspoken person. I am proud of whoever instigated the protest, and proud of the solidarity you showed. I would have appreciated more info about what was being protested, but I feel pretty caught up after reading the class's blogs. And yes, WestCiv IS a family, a weird family, and our family.


Classes 5/2-7