Thursday, March 15, 2018

Class 3/15, Alexander the Great

  • Macedonia- north of Greece, rough terrain, cold climate, people lived in mountain villages, thought of themselves as Greeks, had fearless kings
  • Greeks looked down on Macedonians 
  • Philip II, King of Macedonia- 23 years old when he came to be king, brilliant general, ruthless politician, transformed army, organized phalanxes 16 men by 16 men, each had 18-foot pike, used fast cavalry against enemies and defeated them (northern enemies), began to plan to invade Greece
  • Demosthenes (Greek orator) tried to warn Greeks of Philip
  • He urged them to unite but city-states could not agree
  • 338 BC Athens and Thebes unite to fight Philip but the Greeks had already been defeated at the battle of Chaeronea
  • Greek independence ends
  • City-states retained self-government in local affairs 
  • Greece all together was under the control of Macedonia (Philip)
  • Philip was murdered and his son Alexander immediately took King of Macedonia for himself 
  • Alexander the Great- 20 years old, well prepared, taught by Aristotle, enjoyed Homer's work, learned how to ride a horse, use weapons, and command troops as a boy 

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Classes 5/2-7