Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Class 3/6, Project

Today we finally got to work on our project. I honestly was not even sure if was still a thing and that we were doing it. I was scared to ask if we were still doing it and I was actually planning on asking today but I didn't even have to. Also, I was kind of upset about the fact the we aren't doing the prayer relating to the mass shootings anymore. I felt that in general, no matter what your thoughts are on the topic of gun control, it is something that should be addressed. I don't think that anyone can actually say that it is okay that so people are dying over shootings no matter what you believe. I do not see how it is wrong that we are sending our prayers and remembering those who lost their lives in these violent acts. Anyways, my group figured out what we are doing in our video and started our paper today.

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Classes 5/2-7