Saturday, April 21, 2018

Class 4/20, Punic Wars

  • Legal Code- Rome/US
  • Rome Legal Code:
  • Twelve Tables
  • Publicly displayed
  • Gave right to plebeians, not just aristocrats 
  • only protected free-born male citizens (not women)
  • US Legal Code:
  • Bill of Rights
  • First ten amendments to the Constitution
  • 1. free speech/religion/press
  • 2. bear arms
  • 3. no quartering
  • 4. no search and seizure 
  • 5. no self-incrimination
  • 6. right to fair trial
  • 7. jury trials
  • 8. no cruel or unusual punishment 
  • 9. right to privacy, rights are assumed
  • 10. states have power when federal government doesn't 
  • Roman legion- 5000 soldiers, not in it for the money (not yet), the Roman army's elite heavy infantry, recruited exclusively from Roman citizens
  • Group of eighty's a century 
  • On horseback is the cavalry
  • Shield, sword, dagger, armor, and tunic
  • the Punic Wars- 264-146 BCE, Rome vs. Carthage, three wars
  • First Punic War (264-261 BCE)- naval battles for control of the strategic located island of Sicily, Rome wins this one 

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Classes 5/2-7