Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Class 8/30, Class Syllabus

     Today in Human Geography we went over the class syllabus. We learned more about how the class is going to be run this year. We were taught Mr. Schick's policies regarding late work, blogs, etc.. For example, on Friday's when we have class, our blog posts are not due until Saturday before midnight. This varies from the rest of the days we have class in that the blog posts are due the same day. We also watched Vlad struggle get his blog to work and get his posts to go through. It was rather entertaining.  We also had the pleasure of enjoying the wonderful soundtrack that the band was playing outside which helped build the tension of awaiting Vlad's email. Mr. Schick also described to us what the Human Geography course is all about and the type of material we will be introduced to through out the semester. I am really excited to learn more about the different cultures present within different countries and regions around the world this semester.

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Classes 5/2-7