Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Class 8/29, My First Day As a Patriot

        My first morning at John Carroll has been a little but overall really good. First, it took a really long time for me to get into the school because all the traffic. When I finally got into school it was 7:51 am. I thought I was going to be late because I had to go to the locker room to put my soccer stuff away and then go to my hall locker and put my books away. I then found Faith in the halls and we walked to Human Geography together. We arrived on time and waited for the rest of the students to enter and for Mr. Schick to start the lesson.
        After Human Geography, I went to English with Mrs. Zurkowski as my second mod of the day. There we got to know each other and we handed in our summer reading papers and discussed what we would be doing in the class this year. I then made my way to advisory, and did not get lost and I was able to open my locker first try. Following advisory, I had biology with Mrs. Deroba. Biology seems like it is going to be a lot of fun with all the labs we are going to do. The final part of my morning was lunch. I ate with my friends and I had a ton of fun talking to them about their day so far.   All in all, my first morning at John Carroll was a success and I'm extremely excited to see what the next four years here will bring me.

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Classes 5/2-7