1. Set aside time after school and on the weekends to do my homework- By doing this I will have better time management skills for the future. Also I will be creating good working habits for myself by designating time for work in that I will be more efficient and productive knowing that I need to get a certain of work or an assignment done in a select period of time.
2. Always go to class prepared and ready to learn- By doing this I will not be taking time away from my learning and from my classmates' learning time. Also by coming ready to learn, in a good mindset, and ready to be actively engaged, I will be making retaining information easier along with being ready for graded assignments like tests and quizzes.
3. Getting an adequate amount of sleep the night before to be able to function and learn properly- Getting enough sleep is very important so I can be ready to learn and be attentive in class. Also that I will be in a better mood all throughout the day. This well help form relationships with others and understand and pay attention to what is being taught.
4. Ask plenty of questions- Asking questions to clarify any confusion is only going to help me and my understanding of the material I am learning. I'm going to make sure that I ask thoughtful questions in all classes.
5. Build and develop positive relationships with my teachers and peers- Developing these relationships will help me now and in the long run. Having positive relationships with my teachers will help me in there class and when it comes to applying for colleges in a couple years when I need teacher recommendations. Also making good relationships with my peers will help me feel more comfortable in my first of high school and if I have any trouble with a class I can ask for help if I need to.
This is outstanding. What a great plan you have here! I hope you stick to it. 50/50 points.