Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Class 9/4, A Message to Garcia Notes

These are my notes from today's class on Excellence relating to Elbert Hubbard's "A Message to Garcia" :

The Publication-

  • published as an inspirational essay in March 1899
  • due to popularity, it became a pamphlet and book 
  • sold over 40 million copies and translated in 37 different languages
  • made into a movie twice, 1916 and 1936
  • "Take a message to Garcia" became popular slang for taking initiative, it is still used today in the military
The Backstory-
  • Setting: the Spanish-American War 
  • Garcia: a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain (general)
  • Rowan: an Army officer (West Point, class of 1881)
  • McKinley: President William McKinley, 25th president (1887-1901), assassinated six months into his second term by an anarchist
  • tallest mountain in North America was (re)named for him (until 2015)
The Odd Vocabulary-
  • perihelion: the point at which a planet is closest to the sun, and therefore is at its brightest
  • slipshod: careless, lackadaisical, remiss
  • imbecility: incapability, stupidity
  • stenographer: a person who takes diction in shorthand
  • missive: a letter, especially a long and an official one
The Message- 
  • "The world bestows its big prizes, both in money and honors, but for one thing. And that is Initiative. What is initiative? I'll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told." - Elbert Hubbard
  • The ancient Greek had a word for excellence in everything you do called areté.
  • Areté definition: excellence of any kind, moral virtue, fulfillment of purpose or function, and the act of living up to one's full potential 
  • Areté: some philosophical background- involves all of the abilities and potentialities

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Classes 5/2-7