Monday, September 18, 2017

Class 9/18, Free Class

Today's class was great. Mr. Schick was behind on his grading so he let us have the period to catch up on homework. I was extremely grateful for this.  I decided to work on my biology homework. I had to make a paper with poems on ecology and the observations I made while we were outside for class. It was rather boring to be honest. I hate poetry. Mr. Schick was diligently grading papers at his desk while I was thinking of a creative way to make my poetry look pretty. I struggled with this concept a lot. I was also listening to some pretty good jams. I had to listen to them on youtube though because the school's wifi blocks Spotify and Apple Music. I think that is absurd. I just wanted to listen to some music and I had to great lengths to do that. I did finish my poetry paper, I just have to color it which is very nice.

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Classes 5/2-7