Thursday, September 28, 2017

Class 9/28, Pop Quiz and Crabs

Will I ever recover from the pain and anxiety I experienced when it was announced that we were having a pop quiz? No, I do not think I will. The whole thing was a truly traumatic event and it still pains me to think of it. After I failed my pop quiz and turned it we started to review sites and situations from the previous class. We discussed the elements of a site which include climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. This conversation lead to a very interesting discussion of crabs. The topic of conversation was how Mr. Schick thought it was rather vulgar how us Marylanders eat crabs as he came here from Chicago. This then proceeded into how different foods eaten across the worlds and different regions, states, and countries may seem gross to us but it is part of their culture. Also how foods that we eat in the United States may be offensive to other countries. For example, how we eat cows while in India they are sacred. The most important part of this discussion was when Jamie stated that is ok to eat crabs because they're not cute unlike dogs. This point is extremely important.

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Classes 5/2-7