Saturday, September 30, 2017

Class 9/29, Complaining and Manhattan Island

Today's class was not as painful as yesterday's but none the less, it was still painful. Mr. Schick lectured us for the amount of complaining that took place today and in class. Personally, I think we had the right to complain. The power just randomly went out and classes were interrupted. People were trapped in the elevators and hallways because of the fire doors. People were screaming they couldn't see and were getting injured going up and down the stairs. Absolute chaos. Also the internet was down for even longer than the power was out so no one could access anything online for their classes. But in class we talked about the expansion of Manhattan Island. Manhattan Island is twice the size today than it was in the 1600s. They used trash and put it in the water along with another mixture to make fake land essentially. This changed the site of Manhattan. This was beneficial to Manhattan economically but no so much for the environment.

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Classes 5/2-7