Thursday, October 26, 2017

Class 10/26, New Unit

Today in class we started out new unit called "Population and Settlement".  We had candy that Ashley brought. We did not get out test grades back which was rather upsetting, not going to lie. I just hope that I didn't fail. This is the last class the I am waiting on for my final grade for the end of the first quarter.

  • People on land- population and settlement
  • Over 7.5 billion people on the planet now 
  • Increasing by over 73 million people per year
  • increasing by approx. 200,000 people per day
  • 90% of this population growth takes place in the developing countries of Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America
  • the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year- life expectancy 
  • High: Monaco (89.52 total: 85.63 men, 93.58 women)
  • A billion people on Earth was reached in 1804 
  • Now every 12 years we grow 1 billion people 

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Classes 5/2-7