Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Class 10/25, Test Day

Today we took our test on Thinking Geographically. It wasn't the most pleasant of experiences. My poor shadow had to endure the pain of this test with us. Mr. Schick gave me a tissue during the test to help dry my nonexistent tears which was very helpful. The test itself made my head hurt. Plus it was already hurting before the test so I was not in the best mood. I really wanted to just take a nap in all honesty. I really do not know if I did good or not on that test. Sydney on the other hand thinks she failed the whole thing. I may have done the same. I'm just really not sure at this point. I also don't think it is fair for teachers to be shoving all this information at us at the end of the quarter and giving a big test so that they can enter more grades. It is killing a lot of people's grades.

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Classes 5/2-7