Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Class 10/24, Test Questions

Today in class we started our food schedule with Jamie and Sydney bringing in food. Sydney brought cookies and Jamie brought Snickers. We then all made three questions we would like to see on the test and shared them. Mr. Schick said the ones he thought were good questions and had us write them down.

My Three Test Questions:

  • What is a geographic coordinate system?
  • Which map shows an accurate representation of the world? - Peters World Map
  • Is time real? Explain. 
Class Questions:
  • Every place occupies a unique location/ position on the Earth's surface, true
  • Geographers use maps as their primary tool for not only identifying points on the Earth's surface but to compare phenomenas between different places, true
  • What is the art and science of making maps?- cartography
  • How many different time zones are there?- 27 time zones 
  • the Prime Meridian- starts at the North Pole, ends at the South Pole, 0 degrees longitude, goes through Greenwich, UK
  • Latitude- ladder, east to west
  • 0 degrees latitude-
  • 0 degrees longitude is always the Prime Meridian- true
  • GPS- Global Positioning System
  • What is Sir Sanford Fleming famous for?- He proposed a world wide system of time zones in 1879. 
  • What is the difference between a place and a region?- a place is the unique location of a feature while a region is an area of unique characteristics. 
  • What is globalization?- a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope. 
  • Give an example of thinking globally and acting locally, describe the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? Ex: to help reduce air pollution put out by cars, you could ride your bike to places that are close instead of driving. this could only really make a difference if large groups of people did this.

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Classes 5/2-7