Saturday, October 21, 2017

Class 10/20, Stitches and Test Overview

Today in class it started with food. Sydney had doughnuts and Faith brought in cookies. We also decided to make a food schedule so that we can have food in class everyday. We then started to share tragic stories involving stitches, golf clubs, and forks. Then started to review for our test next week.


  • Every place on Earth has a unique position/ location on the Earth's surface, true
  • Geographers use maps as their primary tool for not only identifying points on the Earth's surface but to compare phenomenas between different places, true
  • What is the art and science of making maps?- cartography
  • How many different time zones are there?- 24 time zones
  • The Prime Meridian- starts at the North Pole, ends at the South Pole, 0 degrees longitude, goes through Greenwich, UK
  • latitude- ladder, east to west
  • 0 degrees latitude- equator
  • 0 degrees longitude always the prime meridian, true
  • GPS- Global Positioning System

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Classes 5/2-7