Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Class 10/31, Halloween and Test Grades

Today in class we celebrated Halloween with some candy. We actually had a lot of candy. Amon came and got some and then he got yelled for not tucking in his shirt. I had fruit snacks and Kit Kats. I was rather pleased. Then Mr. Schick started handing back our tests. I actually did way better than I thought I did. I thought I got a C. I didn't thank God. We went over the test questions so that we could address any problems that people may have had. Mr. Schick also said that he needs to start making his tests harder which I strongly disagree with. I felt as though the test we took was pretty difficult I had to think about some of the questions for a rather long time.
Why do people migrate?:
-Push Forces

  • Civil war 
  • Environmental degradation
  • Unemployment or underemployment
  • Religious or ethnic persecution 
-Pull Forces:
  • Better economic opportunity 
  • Better health services
  • Religious or political freedom 

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Classes 5/2-7