Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Class 11/1, Birth Rates

Today in class we focused on different statistics found on the CIA website. The highlight of the class though was that Ben brought in cases of water bottles. It was really refreshing to have in there as most of us get rather dehydrated in this class.


  • Infant Mortality Rate: babies who die before their first birthday 
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR): average number of children born per woman
  • For a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1
  • Higher than 2.1: population rises
  • Lower than 2.1: population falls
  • World TFR: 2.42 (it was 2.54 two years ago, 2.47 last year) 
  • U.S. TFR: 2.01 (it was 2.06 last year)
  • Nigeria TFR: 6.89 (developing nation)
  • Japan TFR: 1.40 (developed nation, aging population)
  • The population of the U.S.- 326,625,791 people
  • U.S. Infant Mortality Rate and Worldwide Ranking: 5.8 deaths/ 1000 births, ranked 169th in the world
  • Country with the highest percentage of Catholics: 1. Mexico (83%) 2. Canada (39%) 3. United States (20%)
  • Country with largest population in Africa: Nigeria (190,632, 261 people)

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Classes 5/2-7