Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Class 10/21, No Food and Baby Cows

Today started out kind of rough because apparently it was my day to bring in food and I got ridiculed for not bringing any in even though I wasn't aware I was supposed to. After we went through the fuss of me not bringing in food we moved on. The people who were not in class last Friday had the opportunity to take their test during class. Mr. Schick put the timer for the online part of the test on the board and it kind of gave me anxiety because I felt like I was in a rush for no reason. Finally the timer went off while Mr. Schick we introducing his extra credit project. I almost couldn't focus on what he was talking about because I was watching the seconds tick by on the board. Anyways, our extra credit project is actually really cool. I also discovered my new found love for fluffy baby cows. They are actually so cute. Here are some pictures of them:

Image result for baby cows
Image result for baby cowsImage result for baby cows

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Classes 5/2-7