Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Class 11/15, Our Presentation

Today we Ellis brought food in. She brought in cookies, clementines, and bagels with cream cheese. It was very nice and appetizing. Then we started presenting the rest of the projects. My group presented first today. Our presenting started out a little rough because we pulled up the wrong document that didn't have the complete answers on it. So we had to stop and get the correct document   and then I forgot to share it with him and then we had to wait some more for my email to go through to him. Then we finally had the correct document pulled up and we were able to start to present. We started to go over our first question and answer and Mr. Schick wanted us to elaborate more on our answers. Then he started arguing with us on our definition with of "sustainable progress" and then we finished the rest of presentation while also getting some input from the rest of the class. Then Kelsie and Maddy presented and did a very good job. We also already got our grade for our presentation and we got 100%!!!!

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Classes 5/2-7