Thursday, November 16, 2017

Class 11/16, Test Overview

Today in class we started to go over what is going to be on the test tomorrow. Mr. Schick gave us examples of what is going to be on the test.

  • Navigating the CIA World Facebook, 15 minutes to answer 15 questions based off information that can be found on the website, ex: what a country's population, net migration is?, etc. 
  • Using word bank, match terms with the definition, there are more words than definitions, study the vocabulary Mr. Schick send outs and on his blog
  • Using your knowledge to answer questions based off statistics, know the formulas for net migration, rate of natural increase, etc. 
  • Know push forces and pulls
  • Example: pull force- USA, religious freedom 
  • Example: push force- Syria, war
  • Example: pull force- Qatar, job opportunities 
  • Example: push force- Greece, failing economy
  • Example: push force- Nigeria, poor health services
  • Example: push force- Egypt, poor women's rights
  • Example: pull force- Canada, health care
  • Population Pyramids, use them to answer questions, there will be one of each, x-mas tree, cup, and box, countries will not be named, know which side of the pyramid represents men and which is women 
  • Example: Which country will experiences an increase in population? The x-mas tree
  • There will be extra credit questions 

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Classes 5/2-7