Monday, November 27, 2017

Class 11/27, Going Over Test

Today in class we got our tests back and we started to go over them. We all did pretty good as a class. I think our class average was like 98%. It was so high because we had the opportunity to get 104% because there were extra credit questions at the end of the test. I did really good on the test actually. Sydney actually made a "correction" to the test. She wrote that the answer to a question was Nigeria when it wasn't an option. The actual answer to the question was Niger which she thought was a typo. It wasn't. Mr. Schick did not agree with her answer. He also told the whole class about her answer. She was a little embarrassed and then she had to explain to us all that she had never even heard of the country before but apparently we talked about it before in class. Also, I finally brought in food but all I had was goldfish so I brought in goldfish for everyone.

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Classes 5/2-7