Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Class 11/28, Population Pyramids Recap

Today in class we watched two videos talking about population pyramids. The first one was a TED.ed   video that talked about the different things you can gather from population pyramids and how events taking place in the world can change the growth of population. Also that these events can change the shape of the pyramid. The second video we watched was about a guy that Mr. Schick thinks is really great named Hans Rosling. He created a diagram that demonstrates the correlation between life expectancy and the GDP per capita of country.
  • Countries go through phases of development 
  • Demographic Transition- starts as a pre-industrial economy and then moves into an industrial economy and then a postindustrial economy
  • Industrialization- countries that have just begun to build factories and make products in large quantities and doing more work faster and employing more 
  • when a society becomes industrialized, there is a rush of people moving into urban areas where the jobs are, this lowers the total fertility rate because it isn't practical for there to be large families in such cramped areas and women started to pursue professions 

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Classes 5/2-7