Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Class 12/6, Exam Overview

Today in class we mostly just went over things we needed to know for the exam. We also went over the pop quiz we took the other day. Some of the people in class were very upset that this "comprehension check" we had counted for a grade even though they always count but they're just called pop quizzes. After the debate over why this quiz should count was over we started to talk about the exam. Mr. Schick said that we will be taking the exam for Human Geo in his room and that it will be the second exam on day one. Also that we will get a review packet on Friday. He said there will be a hundred multiple choice questions and two essays. Each multiple choice question will be worth half a point while the essays are worth 25. The first essay will be on population pyramids and the second essay we will pick one of the questions he gives us to answer. He also said that we shouldn't rush through our exams because it won't help us.

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Classes 5/2-7