Thursday, December 7, 2017

Class 12/7, Sub and Exam Studying

Today in class we had sub and we were allowed to make quizlets and prepare for our midterm. Also the most exciting news is that we don't have a test on Monday anymore. I used my notes in my notebook to create a quizlet during the class period.  I also used Mr. Schick's blog to get an idea of what to study.

  • A map is a scale model of the real world, made small enough to work with on a desk or computer. It can be a hasty here’s-how to-get-to-the-party sketch, an elaborate work of art, or a precise computer-generated product. A map serves two purposes: It is a tool for storing reference material and a tool for communicating geographic information.As a reference tool. A map helps us to find the shortest route between two places and to avoid getting lost along the way. We consult maps to learn where in the world something is found, especially in relation to a place we know, such as a town, body of water, or highway. The maps in an atlas or a road map are especially useful for this purpose.
  • The Geographic grid is a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern on Earth’s surface

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Classes 5/2-7