Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Class 1/10, World Leaders Finished

Today in class we finished the powerpoint on the world leaders in detail.

  • Shinzo Abe- Abe's father and his grandfather were politicians, he married the daughter of the Prime Minister, the Emperor of Japan is the head of the Imperial Family and the traditional head of state of Japan, the Emperor is the symbol of the state of Japan, the Emperor is the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people 
  • Sergio Mattarella- his father was was an anti-fascist who helped found the Christian Democracy party, which dominated the Italian political scene for almost fifty years, has been a leader for almost three years 
  • Bashar al-Assad- basically a dictator, went to med school and was a doctor for the army, brother died in a car crash so he became the heir apparent, he seceded his father, he order mass crackdowns and military sieges on Arab Spring protesters leading to the Syrian War, using war crimes and crimes against humanity to stop the revolution against him 
  • Justin Trudeau- father was Prime Minister, he defended Canadian federalism and has been an activist since a young age, brother died on ski trip, one of the youngest world leaders and prime ministers ever 
  • Binyamin Netanyahu- he lived in the U.S. when he was a child twice, his brother was killed in the Entebbe Operation in July 1976, he returned to Israel and began to advocate for international cooperation to prevent terrorism, he believes that Israel has it's right to list and he wants to protect the Jews
  • Donald Trump- at 70 years old, oldest person to assume presidency, businessman, billionaire, author, reality TV star, politician, Forbes magazine's 248th wealthiest man
  • Uhuru Kenyatta- son of the first president of Kenya, the first election he was in was corrupt so there was another election which he won, riots broke out 
  • Moon Jae-in- his parents were refugees of North Korea, he was a student activist, human rights lawyer, and chief presidential secretary, there has been corruption in the presidency, he was elected in 2017
  • Kim Jong-un- "national self-reliance", single party state, Supreme Leader, had his brother killed, kills anyone who threatens his authority and kills their family too 

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Classes 5/2-7