Monday, January 8, 2018

Class 1/8, World Leaders in Detail

Today in class Mr. Schick showed us his presentation which had the fifteen countries leaders we did our presentations on but he had a more detailed explanation of their background. Also I'm kind of mad that I don't know my exam grade yet.

  • Enrique Pena Nieto- there are rumors that he had his, he had extramarital affairs where he had two kids in the affairs, he's called the Teflon Candidate because trouble doesn't stick to him, he has a 28% approval rating 
  • Xi Jinping- his dad is Xi Zhongxun who was the leader of China before him, legacy or dynasty (like the Bush's)
  • Narendra Modi- independent thinker, first OBC, had to work himself up from nothing, OBC is the lowest class in India's society 
  • Vladmir Putin- graduated with a degree in law, began his career in the KGB as an intelligence officer, retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was the ruthless and ambitious 
  • Angela Merkel- graduated with a degree in physics and physical chemistry, has a PhD in quantum chemistry, super intelligent, most powerful women in the world, third most powerful person in the world 
  • Theresa May- member of the Conservative Party, she took over for David Cameron when he resigned after the Brexit vote, she wanted the UK to leave the EU
  • Queen Elizabeth- has been queen for 65 years and counting 
  • Emmanuel Macron- had no prior experience in a government position before his presidency, married to his high school teacher who is 24 years older than him, claims that they're relationship started when he turned 18 

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Classes 5/2-7