Thursday, January 18, 2018

Class 1/18, Greece

Today in class we continued looking at Greece and its geography and topography.

  • Sea shaped Greek civilization
  • Seaways connected Greece with other societies 
  • Sea travel and trade were important 
  • Rugged mountains cover about 3/4 of Greece
  • Mountains divided land into regions, this created independent communities
  • Hard to travel across land 
  • Little fertile land and fresh water, hard to use irrigation
  • Varied climate, moderate temperatures
  • People who settled on the Greek mainland during 2000 B.C. are known as the Mycenaeans
  • Mycenae (leading city) was located in Southern Greece
  • The city was built to withstand attacks 
  • Ruled other surrounding villages and farms, also cities such as Tiryns and Athens 
  • Kings of Mycenaean dominated Greece from about 1600 to 110 B.C.
  • Through trade or war Mycenaeans came in contact with the Minoans sometime after 1500 B.C.
  • Both civilizations saw the value of seaborne trade
  • Minoans influenced the Mycenaeans 
  • Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta, Crete, Asia Minor, Macedonia
  • Greece could not afford to be an isolated civilization due to its geography and inability to grow crops 

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Classes 5/2-7