Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Class 1/24, The Odyssey

Today in class Frankie didn't bring in any food. I was disappointed. Anyways we listened to a reading of the translation of the Odyssey by Homer. We also talked about whether or not we believed that Homer was actually a real person. My argument was that maybe he was just extremely talented and he was the Stevie Wonder of literature and since he couldn't see, his memory was just super strong and so was his hearing in place of his eyesight.

  • Goats
  • Feasting
  • Traveling by ship
  • Strange land
  • A giant monster man-mountain
  • Wine
  • Sharing gifts
  • Needed to be diluted 
  • Flocks of sheep
  • Sacrifice to gods
  • Huge boulder blocking cave exit
  • Fire
  • Hospitality
  • Cyclops don't care
  • Odysseus is crafty
  • He ate two guys
  • And two more
  • Odysseus: "My name is Nobody"
  • Drills a burning mast into the cyclops' eye 
  • They escape by clinging to sheep' stomachs
  • Trash talk
  • Fatal flaw? Pride?

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Classes 5/2-7