Thursday, January 25, 2018

Class 1/25, Governments in Greece

Today in class we started to talk about the different governments in Greece.

  • By 750 BC, the city-state/polis was the fundamental political unit in ancient Greece
  • Polis is made up of a city and surrounding countryside with numerous villages
  • Acropolis is where citizens gathered to discuss city government 
  • Monarchy- state ruled by a king, rule is hereditary, some rulers claim divine right
  • Aristocracy- state ruled by nobility, rule is hereditary and based off family ties, social rank and wealth
  • Oligarchy- state ruled by a small group of citizens, rule is based off wealth or ability, ruling group controls military
  • Direct Democracy- state is ruled by its citizens, rule is based on citizenship, majority rule decides vote
  • Draco took power in 621 BC and developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athenians, rich and poor, were equal under the law
  • Draco's code dealt harshly with criminals making death penalty for basically every crime
  • Used debt slavery
  • Solon came into power in 594 BC and made it so that no citizen could own another, outlawed debt slavery, organized citizens into four social classes according to wealth, lowest class could not be in political office, but could participate in assembly
  • Cleisthenes broke up power of nobility
  • Tyrant- powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support
  • During the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece
  • Back then, rich people wielded much more influence in society, and held much more governmental power, than the middle class or the poor

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Classes 5/2-7