Monday, April 16, 2018

Class 4/16, Plebians


  • The people's shock at this horrible family and their terrible behavior made them NEVER want to be subject to the rule of kings EVER again- this was an attitude that lasted for centuries
  • Three governments rolled into one
  • Rule by kings is replaced by rule of two consuls
  • Consuls were elected officials
  • Term of office: one year
  • Always aristocrats (patricians)(Roman term for aristocrats)
  • Patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor, pater ("father")
  • Duties: dealing justice, making laws, commanding the army 
  • One consul could veto the other (reducing the power of the individual)
  • Fifth century BCE- patrician dominance of government was challenged by the plebeians (plebs or the regular people)
  • Plebs were 98% of the population 
  • How did the patricians dominate?
  • Plebs had to serve in the army, but could not hold office 
  • Plebs were threatened with debt slavery 
  • Plebs had no legal rights
  • Plebs were victims of discriminatory decisions in judicial traits
  • Rome had no actual laws, just unwritten customs 
  • Patricians could interpret these to their own advantage 
  • Plebs refused to serve in the military until... 
  • Laws were written out (the Law of the Twelve Tables)
  • These laws (on tablets) were posted in public (in 450 BCE)
  • Tribunes- ("tribal leaders") were elected 
  • SPQR- Senatus Populusque Romanum, designers any decree or decision made by "the Roman Senate or People"

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Classes 5/2-7