Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Class 4/17, Roman Government


  • Res publica- the people's affairs
  • Brand new republic, ready to run
  • Democracy (the people's assembly and the tribunes)
  • Aristocracy (the Senate- approx. 300 members)
  • Plus monarchy (the consuls)
  • Not tyranny (a mistake the Romans did not want to repeat)
  • Government: ancient Rome/ USA-
  • Originally the US modeled their new government on the model used by the ancient Romans 
  • Is it exactly the same? Not quite...
  • Both have three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial 
  • Both have a legal code 
  • 3 branches (1) - Rome/US
  • Executive Branch in Rome- two consuls, one year terms, each has veto power, controls the military, could appoint a dictator in a crisis for six-month term 
  • Executive Branch in USA:
  • President (plus VP)
  • Four year terms
  • Can veto proposed laws
  • Commander-in-Chier of the military
  • Legislative Branch in Rome:
  • Senate, 300 people, aristocrats, members for life
  • Assemblies (either Centuriate or Tribal), 193 members (later 373), members for life
  • Legislative Branch in USA:
  • Senate, 100 senators (two from each state), six year terms
  • House of Representatives, 435 members (55 from Cali, MD has 8, AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, WY have 1)
  • Two year terms 
  • Judicial Branch in Rome:
  • Praetors (judges)
  • Chosen by the Centuriate Assembly
  • One year terms
  • Judicial Branch in USA:
  • Supreme Court
  • Nine members
  • Lifetime terms
  • Appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate
  • Article Two of the United States Constitution

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Classes 5/2-7